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Moving truck catches fire on NH-48, driver jumps out

Gurugram: A moving truck caught fire on the Delhi-Jaipur carriageway of National Highway 48 near Sector-15 part-II on Monday night, police said on Wednesday.
Investigators said the incident took place at about 8.30pm on Monday. They said that as soon as the driver sensed trouble, he slowed down the truck and jumped out. They said the truck belonged to a contractor of the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) and was plying on civic agency work.
The fire resulted in an almost 40-minute-long traffic snarl on the carriageway leading towards Delhi and on the service lanes below it, they said.
Fire department officials said that at least two fire tenders were pressed into service to douse the flames.
A senior police official said that commuters were not allowed near the spot since the truck had a CNG tank.
Inspector Rahul Dev, station house officer of Sector-14 police station, said that the driver told the police that flames started emanating suddenly from below the carriage section of the truck on the move.
“He saved himself by jumping out. It is still not clear if any mechanical fault or short circuit caused the fire. The truck was later removed from the carriageway using a crane and the traffic was cleared,” he added.
